Thursday, 24 September 2015

How Effective is Green Tea Weight Loss Products

According to a recent report, almost 69% of American people are overweight. This phenomenon is largely connected to the increased consumption of fast food and the use of highly processed food products in the meals. The rigorous work routines that people have in today’s fast-moving world, is also considered as one of the main reasons of obesity. People don’t have time to commit to a green tea weight loss diet or even take a walk once in a while, let alone having a regular exercise schedule.

However, this doesn’t mean that people are not worried about their obesity. Millions of dollars are spent every year in the USA in buying green tea weight loss products. But the majority of people fail to perceive that these dietary medicines are just another source of processed chemicals they are stuffing in, unless, someone follows a routine that involves eating less and using more energy. The only way to lose weight is to burn the fat that is accumulated in the body through exercise and controlling the intake of food items that have high amounts of fat in them.

But, as humans have been found to like the easy way, they always try to find comfort in everything they do. Same is the case with the weight conscious people. They know that obesity is not a thing to be proud of, as it poses threats to the health by pressurizing main organs of the human body such as the heart. They want to cut some fat; and that too with a reliable Green tea weight loss resource.

 Green tea weight loss is a worldwide sensation for quite some time now. It is certainly not one of those rapid weight loss diets, which are available in the market, and whose credibility is always questionable. Countless researches have been conducted to find the exact process through which people lose weight using Green tea weight loss products as a result of consuming the healthy tea. The majority of these research reports indicate that the green tea weight loss drink is surely an indirect contributor; however, concrete evidence is yet to be gathered to establish a direct connection between weight loss and green tea.

History of Green Tea
The source of green tea is the same plant (Camellia Sinensis) from which the black tea is extracted. While black tea was discovered about 4000 years ago, green tea did not take long to be discovered after that. The green tea is being used for hundreds of years and the validity of its good effects on human health has been acknowledged throughout the history. Using green tea for weight loss is not a new trend. History suggests that the connection of weight loss and green tea was recognized long ago. Green tea supplements have been used as medicines and general diet ingredients since the earlier ages.

Green Tea Today
With each passing day, more and more people are getting to know the benefits of green tea weight loss products and the demand of green tea has multiplied in the past few years. Maybe this is because obesity is more prevalent in the modern times as compared to the past. Some of the best weight loss programs in the modern world also include green tea as a vital element of the diet.

More often than men  , women are vulnerable to the threat of obesity because their body mechanism requires less energy than a male body. So when they consume food that contains fat in high amount, more fat is likely to be accumulated, hence making them obese. One of the best weight loss tips for women is to use green tea in their daily meals.

How effective is the green tea in weight loss
The effect of green tea weight loss products is undeniable; however, if someone takes green tea as a rapid weight loss diet, he is wrong. The benefits of green tea weight loss are visible only when it is taken regularly over a long period. The best way to use it for the purpose of weight loss is the regular exercise and avoiding fast food and the processed food products.

Benefits of Green Tea
When taken over a long period, green tea increases the metabolism rate of the body, which helps in burning accumulated fat quickly; however, it cannot be compared with the exercise, which accelerates the metabolism many times greater than the green tea.

Green tea resists the complex carbohydrates being transformed into simple sugar, thus slowing the process of saturated fat accumulation.

When taken more than one times during the day, one feels full and is less attracted towards eating food. This prevents people from using fast food when they feel hungry in between the meals.

Green tea weight loss products contains an element called catechin; studies have found that drinking catechin-rich green tea is helpful in decreasing the body fat.

Another important substance found in green tea is ECCG (epigallocatechin gallate). This substance is responsible for decreasing the apatite levels, thus restricting the excess intake of food.

Other than the weight loss, green tea soothing effects when taken during the times of anxiety. As anxiety and stress may lead to eating disorders, green tea helps to control the unconscious intake of food full of fats and carbohydrates.

Green tea weight loss products has no side effects. Because it is not a medicine in the first place, and it is a natural product that can be considered as a part of daily food; a food item that tastes good and has refreshing effects when taken.

Considering all the benefits above, there is nothing bad in naming the green tea the weight loss tea.

Final Words

While giving you quick weight loss tips, if someone mentions green tea weight loss, always remember that he must also mention regular exercise and controlled eating habits. Otherwise, the person is just bluffing. Having a cup of green tea burns about 70-80 calories. Same calories are burnt when you smile for about half an hour.  The reason to mention this here is that there is no such thing as green tea weight loss. You cannot depend on green tea to shred fats off your body. The role of green tea can be best understood by the example of a catalyst in a chemical reaction. A catalyst is an element, which is not directly involved in a chemical reaction but helps to increase the rate of the reaction by providing suitable conditions. Similarly, green tea is not yet a proven weight loss solution; however, it surely helps in less intake of food and more burning of fats.

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